Are you looking for a complete guide on how to empty a Bunn coffee maker? Then you’re at the right article. Because here I’m going to show you a step-by-step process to drain a Bunn velocity brew. Every step is very important and simple that you have to follow. To make drain water from a Bunn more skimmable and easily understandable, I have used pictures with every step that you have to follow. This will help you to easily understand every step and you’ll not get into any trouble while implementing these steps on your own.
What is a Bunn Coffee Maker?
Bunn coffee makers are automatic drip machines that use the pour-over method to brew coffee. They come in a variety of models, but the main difference between them is the brewing capacity. You can get single-serve Bunn brewers that make just one cup of coffee, as well as 10-cup coffee makers that can make an entire carafe’s worth of coffee.
But that’s not all. These coffee makers are pretty easy to use, and they can brew a cup of coffee in just a few minutes!
However, most people ask how do Bunn coffee makers work? This is because they have a unique brewing mechanism and pour-over drip coffee makers work differently from automatic drip ones. A Bunn coffee maker’s design is attached to its brewing mechanism.
These coffee makers have a big tank in the back and a brewer funnel in the front. The front side of most Bunn machines is a carafe warmer that keeps your coffee warm after brewing. Bunn coffee makers follow a pretty simple process. Once you pour filtered water into the brewer and close the lid, the brewer sends the water to the bottom of the tank via a special pipe. Since the water already inside the water tank is hot, the cold water will push it upwards. During the brewing process, the showerhead of a Bunn sprays the coffee with hot water─ a bit like the manual pour-over method.
Why do you need to empty a Bunn coffee maker?
Here we are going to walk through the steps to drain a Bunn reservoir. But you may wonder, why and at which stage I have to empty a Bunn velocity brew. So the main reason to drain water from a Bunn tank is to move it from one place to another.
Sometimes you have to travel from your home to anywhere else and you want to have your coffee machine there. So rather than buying a new one there, you can carry your coffee maker with you. This will be very helpful because you already use this machine and you like its coffee taste.
But while traveling, if you carry your machine along with water inside it. It will definitely cause a series of issues or it may damage your machine. Therefore we have to drain water from a Bunn before carrying it. And this way, we’ll not get into trouble or serious issues.
In addition, if you wanna ship this coffee machine to any other place via FedEx or any other shipping service. You just have to empty water from your Bunn and pack it in the box. And you’re ready to go. Because you have to already drain water from your Bunn coffee maker.
Steps to drain a Bunn velocity brew:
Here are the five steps that you need to follow to empty a Bunn coffee maker. Every step is important and explained with detailed instruction along with pictures. So that you don’t face any problem or hardly while applying these steps on your own. One more thing, Make sure you apply every step one by one in the respective order as mentioned below. This will make your process more easy and fast.
Unplug the electricity wire
Before starting draining water from your Bunn coffee maker. The 1st and foremost step is to turn Off the light that is coming from the electric wire. You can easily do this by simply unplugging the wire of your machine that is making a connection with the electricity.
This will help you and your machine to protect you from serious damage from electricity. Because next we have to play with water and coffee maker and water is a good conductor of electricity. So safety is very important.
Cooldown the hot water
Now we have to cool down the hot water in that way we easily move out water. To cool down the hot water, we have to insert cold water into the lid. 1st open the lid and take cold water and pour it into the water tank with the help of craft.
Flash out the hot water
As we insert cold water into the brewer. Then we have to flush out hot water from the coffee maker. To do this, 1st place craft into the warming plate and close the lid of your machine. Now you’ll see cold water will start pushing hot water into the craft. You have to repeat this process about two to three times until all the hot water comes out from the water tank. Then you can move towards the next step which is to drain out cold water.
Drain out cold water
After flushing out all the hot water from the reservoir, you have to drain out cold water. To do this happen, 1st of all remove the brew funnel and spray head by rotating it in the anticlockwise direction. And put them aside on the table. Now grab your machine and take it to the sink or anywhere else, where you can drain cold water. Now move your machine in a position that water must start flowing from the spray head tube and the top lid. Make sure you keep your brewer at this stage until all the cold water comes out from the spray head tube and top lid of the brewer. Now you completed your process to drain water from the Bunn coffee maker.
Assemble all parts
As you are done with draining out all the cold water from the brewer. Now we have to assemble all the parts that we put aside on the table. 1st we will replace the spray head by rotating it in the clockwise direction and then insert the brew funnel at its old stage. At this stage, you will have an empty water Bunn that you can move or carry anywhere you want.
Final Thoughts
This is all about how to empty a Bunn coffee maker that you can apply within 3 minutes. Now I would like to hear in the comment section, are you going to apply these steps before. And If you like these post then make sure to share with your community. If you’re in the market for a machine, check out our article on BUNN coffee maker reviews, where we take a close-up look at 7 of the brand’s top machines to help toy find the one that’s right for you. You’ll be able to taste the difference when you brew with one of their machines. And now, after learning how to work a BUNN coffee maker, you’re an expert brewer!