How to Get Vinegar Taste Out Of Keurig Coffee Maker?

How to Get Vinegar Taste Out Of Keurig Coffee Maker?

Can you envision living without your Keurig coffee machine? Certainly not, as it provides the essential energy to start your day. However, over time, the coffee maker accumulates residue on its surface, which undoubtedly requires a comprehensive cleaning.

Though the coffee maker cannot make up for its cleaning on its own with mere ingredients from the kitchen, you can make it a shining cleaning like a new one. For cleaning, the best way is to use vinegar to clear off all the dirt and debris from the deepest corners of the coffee maker.

But vinegar does come with a downside; it leaves the smell which can ruin your coffee taste. So here in this guide, we will tell you how to clean a Keurig coffee maker with vinegar without leaving the after-taste. So let’s move on.

How Frequently should I clean a Keurig Coffee Maker?

As you regularly brew the coffee so the cleaning must also be done regularly. You must clean the outside of your coffeemaker once a week, if not daily. Moreover, you should clean it more routinely if coffeemaker conditions get bad.

Please remember that most dripping pans of coffeemaker can only store eight ounces of liquid, so you must clean it from time to time while spilling the drips. Besides, you must clan the water storage and pods attachment once every week.

Descaling the coffeemaker or clearing mineral accumulation to be performed less frequently, about once in three months. Moreover, the descale light will generally turn on when the coffee maker needs it also you can realize it yourself too.

When the brewing process slows down, and the brewed coffee’s quantity becomes less, it’s time to descale the coffee maker. Moreover, it is recommended to replace the coffee filter every two months or so.

How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker using Vinegar?

Servicing a Keurig coffee maker seems to be no more expensive than cleaning a standard drip coffee machine. Like with a regular coffee maker, Purified white vinegar plus water can be your best option for the Keurig cleaning method.

Things You Need for Cleaning Coffee Maker:

Step 1: Wash the Exterior.

Give the outside of your coffee maker a thorough cleaning before you start unclogging or descale it. The reservoirs, drip pan, lid, container, and funnels are all dishwasher safe except for the reservoir lid. Alternatively, you can wash these items with hot tap water and 1 teaspoon of liquid detergent. Allow 15 minutes for soaking, then wash thoroughly and dry with a cloth.

Step 2: Clean the Interior.

Although the detachable components of the coffeemaker are being washed or soaked, carefully brush away any trapped coffee grounds in the K-Cup receptacle with a clean toothbrush. Clean any accumulation with a moist towel while cleaning the interior. Wipe off the outside with a towel wet with an all-purpose detergent to accomplish the work.

If you observe any scale formation or deposition, dampen a cloth in white vinegar and rub it to the damaged area for several minutes. Clean the white markings away one more time, and they should vanish. Reassemble the Keurig coffee maker to complete the process.

Step 3: Run the Vinegar solution through the Coffee Maker.

When you start to clean the coffee maker, first ensure that there are no beans or pods left in it. Then put an empty cup on the tray and clear the reservoir water. After that, remove the water filter if you still have it in the coffee maker.

Now make the solution with equal parts of vinegar and water. Again fill the reservoir to its mentioned volume and turn on the Keurig. Before turning on, configure the coffeemaker settings to its most giant cup. Then run the coffeemaker until it asks for adding more water. Now turn off the coffeemaker and spill the liquid in the sink after every brew.

Step 4: Rinse the Reservoir.

Allow at least half-hour for the Keurig coffee maker to cool down properly. Remove the reservoir after the timer has ended and wash it with water to remove residual vinegar. It is better to rinse it for few times. And your coffee maker is good to use. Although after numerous water rinses, you might still feel the vinegar aftertaste in your coffee maker, so for that, please do the following step after you clean it.

Step 5: Removing the Vinegar after Taste.

Now you have to repeat step three but with the plain water, not the solution. Doing so, place the empty water cup on the drip tray and pour in the water in the reservoir to its marked line. Then adjust the coffeemaker settings to the giant cup and run the water through the coffeemaker until the “add more water” options show up. Now your coffeemaker is clean and clear from all build-up and debris.

What if I Clean the Keurig Coffee Maker with Apple Cider Vinegar?

If the pungent scent of white vinegar bothers you, you can replace it with apple cider vinegar as well. While It offers the same scrubbing capabilities as white concentrated vinegar, it has a somewhat pleasant fragrance due to the fermentation of apple juice.

How to Make your Keurig Coffee Taste Good?

Besides, you can do the following things to make your Keurig coffee maker tase good.

  • Use bottled water for brewing coffee. You can also go for filtered water instead of tap water.
  • Choose the coffee ground more wisely.
  • It is better to select the smaller ounces settings for making coffee.
  • You can use two K-cups for better results, don’t rely on just one K-cup.
  • Preheat, the coffee maker before brewing.
  • Remove the cup of coffee before the last few drops of the brew drips into it.
  • Clean the coffee maker more frequently

Bottom Line:

Coffee can make your ordinary day the best day, but if your coffeemaker does not taste good after you clean it, it will make your day the worst day. So for that, you must read our guide on removing the vinegar taste from Keurig coffee makers, and it will help you get along with your coffee maker.