Whether you’re buying a new espresso maker or wanting to know who owns it, you’ll want to know how long espresso machines last. Well, today, we have everything you need to know! You like your morning espresso, afternoon bed, or evening cappuccino, and you’re considering buying your own espresso machine so you can make them at home. But espresso machines can be expensive, and you may be wondering how long it will last before you have to buy another machine.
Now we know what you’re thinking, ten years is a ridiculously long time to have a coffee machine, but if you only need a replacement after one year, you’re wrong. Most brands will not guarantee a warranty of more than 2 years, which means you can easily spend a fortune on new machines over time, especially if you are not taking proper care of them. No one wants hundreds of pounds of the state-of-the-art mocha machine to be broken just a few days after its warranty! If you want to get some mail out of your purchase, be sure to read the tips in this guide and avoid some common coffee machine mistakes!
Which Breville Espresso Machine Is Best For You?
If you are looking to buy the best of the lot that brews like a dream and lasts well then the Breville Barista Express is a good option. If you have some time at hand, consider other aspects like budget, accessories, and automation needs before buying a model. Those who are looking for auto capabilities to get professional quality brew can choose the Dual-Boiler. On the other hand, if you are looking for something available at a low price point, Cafe Roma may be a good option for you. No matter which one you choose, one thing is common that you will get the durability of Breville, so your machine will last for long.
How Long Do Espresso Machines Last
On average, an espresso machine will last between five and fifteen years. However, the exact age of your machine is greatly affected by brand, type, complexity, frequency of use, and a few other factors. In general, fully automatic espresso machines last longer than semi-automatic and hard cap types. Regardless of the type of machine you own, if you want to maximize its age, you will need to keep it clean and do routine maintenance.
Consider the type of machine
Let’s face it, anything with a lot of electronic capabilities, whether it’s a car, a leaf maker, or an espresso machine, has a lot more to do with it. Super-automatic espresso machines that you can program ablutions can malfunction electronically. This does not mean that they are not very good at keeping and using, but something to consider. There are fewer manual and semi-automatic machines that can break down, but it takes more effort to make and clean them.
Maintenance matters
Maintaining your machine with proper cleaning and maintenance will definitely increase its longevity. Although at first it seems like a lot of trouble, with constant use and practice it becomes second nature, as most things do.
Make and model.
The Mac and model of your espresso machine are one of the factors that determine how long you can enjoy your espresso machine. Famous brands like Braille do an extraordinary job of making standard machines that are built to last. Unfortunately for the inexperienced barista, there are many bargaining brands that do not meet this level of quality.
When Should You Stop Using An Espresso Machine?
There will come a time where you need to say goodbye to your espresso machine. While that might be a difficult thing to do, here is when to know when it’s time to stop using your machine.
It’s Broken
Oftentimes, your espresso machine may cost you more to fix than it would to just purchase a new one. A broken espresso machine can lead to more headaches than coffee drinks. Your machine might break for a variety of reasons, with the most common reasons being faulty pumps, leaks, and broken parts that are difficult or impossible to replace (water reservoirs and carafes). With higher-end models, it may be best to replace parts, but with average and lower-end models, it may be wiser just to replace the machine.
It’s Outdated
While vintage appliances may be great, some espresso machines might be too outdated for practicality. Older models might lack trending features like electronic displays, tea water dispensers, and steam wands. These popular features can make your life a lot easier when brewing a cup, but a lot of the time not having these features may limit your ability on how you can play with different brewing methods. Overall, getting rid of your espresso maker because it is outdated will typically depend on you as the user and what you are looking for in a coffee machine.
The Pods Are Discontinued
For coffee machines that rely specifically on pods for brewing a cup of coffee, you may need to change out your machine sooner than you’d like. Brands like Nescafe Dolce Gusto have announced discontinuing certain pods, limiting your selection extensively. As the innovative industry grows, so might your machine’s ability to adapt.
It Serves Cooler Coffee Than Before
If your espresso machine is serving coffee a lot cooler than it did in its prime years, then there might be an issue with your heating element going on. Over time, as water passes through the heating element, a mineral residue gets left behind. This mineral residue builds up and impacts the quality of the heating element. Frequently, you can avoid this by regular maintenance, but over time daily wear and tear can take a toll on the element. While you certainly can replace the heating element, sometimes it’s worth it to buy a brand new machine.
If you are using a residential espresso machine for a commercial-grade business, then you will find that you’re overusing your espresso machine way more than you should be. Not all espresso machines are built to handle constant brewing. Overusing your machine can cause it to break sooner than it should.
Final Thoughts
A really good manual or semi-automatic espresso machine should last for 20 or more years. If you really want to stretch, there are commercial models small enough for home use that will last even longer. High-quality Super-Automatic machines can be super-expensive, but the really good ones should last for 10 years or more. If you have more questions about espresso machines, check out our Espresso Machine FAQ article or see our Espresso Machine Buying Guide for more general information.