How to Clean a Keurig 2.0 Coffee Maker

Why Should I Clean my Keurig 2.0 on Daily Basis?

Keurig 2.0 coffee maker can be your best friend if you are a coffee lover. It is a user-friendly coffee machine.
Owing a coffee maker means that you should take care of its maintenance as well. On a regular basis, you should clean the coffee maker to get a delicious cup of coffee every morning.
Here is a guide on how to clean a Keurig 2.0 coffee maker.

How Often Should We Clean Keurig 2.0 Coffee Maker

It is recommended to do the cleaning once a month so your machine can run well and always give you a tasty cup of coffee.

After every use, it is easy to go for spot cleaning. However, we need to clean the area around the K cup holder, exit needles, and the water tank.

This will not take much longer time; only 15-20 minutes are enough.

Descaling machine should be done every 3-4 months; it depends on the mineral content of the water as well.

Tip: To get the best taste in coffee, every morning, rinse the tank and then fill it with fresh water. It will make a difference for sure. Also, once a week, thoroughly wash the water tank with mild soap.

How to Clean the Exterior of the Keurig 2.0

The exterior of a coffee maker is as important as an interior. It should be cleaned as well as it is exposed to dust all the time.

Here is how you can clean the exterior

How to Clean a Keurig 2.0 Coffee Maker

Things you Need

  • A mild soap.
  • Freshwater.
  • Dry clean cloth.
  • Toothbrush or paper towels.
  • A paper clip.


  1. Unplug the Coffee Maker

Always start the cleaning procedure by unplugging the coffee machine. It is safe and secure.

  1. Remove Tank and the Drip Tray

Once the machine is unplugged; remove the drip tray and water tank. Wash them with a mild detergent. Rinse them with water.

Clean the valve at the bottom of the tank.

  1. Clean the Exit Needles and k Cup Holder

Take out the k cup holder and clean the top exit needles. Exit needles need maintenance too. You can also clean them using a needle maintenance tool to clean them but it is recommended to clean them by taking out the k cup holder.

First, turn off the brewer and then take out the k cup holder and tray. Now press the buttons on the k cup to separate the housing and holder.

To remove the grounds and debris from the bottom exit needle use a paper clip. After that wash the holder with fresh water. Do it very carefully as the needle is very sharp.

  1. Clean the Unit

Use a toothbrush or a paper towel to clean out any dirt or coffee grounds in the unit. Especially around the top exit needle and handle.

To wipe the rest of the unit using a damp cloth. Once done with cleaning; return the removable parts on their places and plug in the coffee maker.

  1. Rinse the Coffee Maker

Finish the cleaning by filling the tank with freshwater. Run few brew cycles to rinse the machine.

How to Descale a Keurig 2.0 Coffee Maker

Descaling is important as it helps to clean the mineral build-up inside the coffee maker. It is suggested to do the descaling process every 3-4 months, or you have to descale when the touch screen indicates Time to descale the brewer.

 What Can We Use for Descaling?

You can use vinegar or commercial descale to descale a Keurig 2.0 coffee maker. If you are worried about germs and yeast, then white vinegar is a good option. At the same time, commercial descalers are good for mineral deposits.

Things you Need

  • Water
  • Large bowl
  • Descaling solution
  • Instructions
  1. Turn Off the Brewer

Start with emptying the water reservoir, then remove the water filter and turn off the brewer.

  1. Pour Descaling Solution

Now pour one bottle of descaling solution along with 14 ounces of water in the water reservoir and turn on the brewer.

  1. Descaling Rinse

On a drip tray, place a mug. Without inserting the pod, open and close the handle and press the brew button.

For Keurig K250, use a six-ounce setting or if you have K350, K450, and K550, then go for a ten-ounce setting.

Wait for the solution to spend, and then discard the mug contents.

  1. Repeat the Rinse

Keep repeating the rinse process until the brewer will indicate, “More water, please.” For at least 30 minutes, allow the brewer to stand; during this period, don’t turn off the machine. Remove the water tank and rinse it well after 30 minutes.

Rinse with fresh water now it is time to rinse the water reservoir with fresh water. Fill the reservoir with fresh water and put a mug on a drip tray. Press the brew button to rinse. You have to empty the entire reservoir, so keep repeating the brewing step. Again fill it with fresh water.

This step is vital to ensure that there is no residue or smell in the coffee maker.

  1. Wash Removable Parts

Wipe the coffee maker with a damp cloth. Wash all removable parts using a mild soap and put them back in the unit.

For the best result, clean the exit needle and k-cup holder.

Now fill the tank with fresh water and make a delicious cup of coffee for yourself.

 How to Descale Keurig Using Vinegar

If you are using vinegar instead of descaling solution, then fill the reservoir up to 2/3 with white vinegar. Fill the water reservoir with water till the max fill line.

Bottom Line

Keurig 0.2 is an amazing coffee maker for your household. it is user-friendly and time saving as well. It is important to know how to clean a Keurig coffee maker to get the best result.

Keurig 2.0 cleaning is very easy and quick. Just follow the guidelines for cleaning it. Cleaning will help to improve the life of a coffee maker; also you can enjoy your cup of coffee with no hassle.

However, it is not recommended to use softened water or distilled water for brewing coffee in Keurig. Use bottled or spring water which will work best for Keurig 2.0 coffee maker.