How Safe Is Keurig Coffee Maker

Is your Keurig secure? The World Wide Web harbors numerous claims about Keurig coffee machines being laden with mold, bacteria, BPA plastic, and various harmful substances that purportedly can cause illness. A plethora of blogs, videos, and Facebook posts perpetuate the narrative of hazardous Keurig coffee machines. But how accurate are these allegations?

Concerns Regarding K-Cups

Food packaging is mostly plastic but rarely heated. Heat leaches chemicals from the plastic into food and beverages. The degradation of plastic is accelerated by hot water, acid, UV light, and mechanical wear. Plastics used in manufacturing often contain BPA. They are usually found in beverages and food containers.

Both K-Cups and Vue packs are made from FDA-approved materials and do not contain BPA. Furthermore, neither of our K-Cup or Vue brewing systems contain BPA within their water pathways, as they use FDA-approved food-safe materials 

Concerns Regarding Keurig K-Cups 

There are four plastic chemicals known for affecting hormones and fertility, BPA, BPF, BPS, and phthalates. Although Keurig claims their plastics are BPA-free, recent tests show they affect estrogen activity negatively. Keurig K-cups contain polystyrene, which has been shown to cause cancer in tests.

It takes heat to brew coffee. All plastic compounds contain chemicals that leach into food. This is impossible to know and might only be happening in tiny quantities. The Keurig coffee in K-cups won’t kill you, but those who drink it every day might want to switch to stainless steel filters.

What BPA Does To The Body

According to research, BPA exhibits some characteristics of estrogen. It is a sex hormone that aids in the development, maintenance, and development of female features within the body. Health problems could result if this hormone is imbalanced. 

Women experience unwanted changes to breasts, pubic and armpit hair, and a hormonal imbalance during the menstrual cycle or reproductive system. Researchers found that women experiencing frequent miscarriages had three times as much BPA in their bloodstream as women experiencing successful pregnancies.

Use A Reusable Stainless Steel K-Cup Filter

By using a stainless steel filter with your Keurig, you can reduce the amount of plastic you’re exposed to. It is made from industrial-quality materials and is sturdy enough to resist acid and heat.

The K-cup filter is also designed to ensure that coffee grounds are extracted as best as possible. It maximizes the temperature, extraction, and water exposure of the coffee, resulting in better coffee.

The dishwasher makes cleaning up a breeze. It is easier to wash off coffee oils with water, and it does not get stained like plastic.

The Health Effects Of Aluminium Exposure

Most K-cups are made of aluminium, which has some health effects when it is exposed to acids and high heat, such as coffee. Long-term exposure to aluminium may cause some problems in the brain. There has been a link between it and Alzheimer’s, anxiety, autoimmune diseases, and even depression.

K- Cups Financial Cost

Besides the health risks, individual coffee pods are also not cost-efficient. It may be convenient, but you pay over $50 per pound for your coffee.

The same could be said about buying and drinking some of the best coffee beans in the world. Beans of high quality usually do not cost as much as this. For the best cup of coffee, purchase the beans yourself. You’ll enjoy grinding and brewing them yourself.

Clean your Keurig Coffee Maker

Mold in your Keurig coffee maker may be harmful. I’ll bet it’s dirty if you don’t clean your Keurig regularly. Every day, you’re ingesting mold and germs. Your Keurig could be full of bacteria and mold. Mold, mildew, algae, biofilms, and many other contaminants can grow in a constantly wet and warm container in your Keurig.

Once a Keurig has been filled with water, its internal lines cannot be cleaned. Thus, you are left with a perpetually damp, warm, and dark environment. Various microbes may thrive here, putting your health at risk and spoiling your coffee. Keurig’s are ideal incubators for mildew and mold because hard plastic surfaces can support growth.

An indication that mold is growing in the coffee maker is a bitter flavour in the coffee. You may even feel some pain in your throat or mouth if the bitterness is different from the usual bitterness in coffee. As well as respiratory and digestive problems depending on the strain, it can cause bloating and diarrhoea as well.


Your body and the environment are being poisoned by K-cups. Drinking Keurig pods causes you to be exposed to microbes, as well as dooming the environment. Increasing levels of BPA have been found in groundwater, the ocean, as well as unexpected places. The south pole contains chemicals that contribute to human health problems. Experts have discovered the chemicals 30 feet under the ice. What’s the point of drinking stale coffee if you’re going to risk your health and the planet?