Have you Ever Wondered How Water Goes up in the Coffee Maker?
Our morning ally and best companion is now the coffee maker. The initial task each morning involves locating the coffee grounds to brew a fresh cup of coffee. You measure out the coffee grounds, pour in some water, and turn the machine on.
But have you ever thought about how does a coffee maker works?
If we think about working with the coffee maker, then many things will come to our mind. How does the water heat up? How does the coffee pour into the carafe? Etc.
In this article, we are going to know about how do coffee makers pump water?
What is Inside the Coffee Maker?
Before we know that how do coffee makers pump water lets us find out what’s inside the coffee maker.
If you take off the top of the coffee maker you will find three things: the reservoir, the shower head and the heating elements.
When you start the coffee making process, the first thing you do it to pour water in the reservoir. At the bottom of the bucket there is a hole and its role will be obvious at this moment. There’s a white tube that leads up from below the reservoir base, carrying the hot water up to the drip area.
Then there is a shower head, water arrives here from the white-hot water tube and now it is sprayed over the coffee grounds. In some coffee makers, the water comes out of the hose onto a perforated plastic disc called the drip area and then it simply falls through the holes into the coffee grounds.
How do Coffee Makers Pump Water?
When you pour in cold water, it flows from the reservoir through the hole and into the orange tube. Then the water flows through the one-way valve into the aluminum tube in the heating element and then partially up through the white tube.
When you turn on the coffee maker, the resistive heating element will start heating the aluminum tube, and eventually, the water in the tube boils. When the water boils, the bubbles rise in the white tube. This tube is small, and water bubbles are oversized so the column of water can ride upward on top of the bubbles.
Now the water that flows up from the white tube will now disperse drip evenly on the coffee grounds.
How to Make Coffee in a Coffee Maker
Step 1-Add Water
Most coffee makers are built with a reservoir that can brew 12 cups of water per cycle. Coffee makers brew a fixed amount of coffee depending on the capacity they have.
Use fresh water to make coffee, but if you use filtered water, it will help to prevent mineral build-up inside the coffee maker.
It would be best never to put any flavoring agents or liquids other than plain water in the reservoir.
Step 2-Add Filters
Using a filter paper or a disposable filter doesn’t affect the functionality of the coffee maker. The only thing matter is that the filter paper should be of the right size and proper shape.
Paper and cloth-like filters will hold only the coffee grounds, but they will also capture some of the coffee’s volatile oils.
Step 3-Add Coffee Grounds
The coffee we buy from the store is made with the filter coffee machine in mind, proving the coffee maker’s longevity. Preground coffee is undoubtedly easy and cheap, but you can’t compare it with the flavor of a cup of coffee made with freshly ground coffee beans.
If you can’t grind coffee at home, then you can check the store that has a grinder for whole bean purchases, or you can buy a coffee machine that grinds coffee beans as well.
Step 4-Brew
When they design their products, coffee makers companies don’t focus on any particular water to coffee ratios. Primarily create coffee machines with the basic guidelines of 2 tablespoons of ground coffee for every 8-ounce serving.
It’s accessible to under or over-extract coffee, which never tastes good, so I wouldn’t advise playing around with the ratios while using a coffee maker.
Step 5-Pour and Enjoy Fresh Coffee
Once the coffee is brewed, take it out in the cup and enjoy it with friends and family.
Some coffee machines come with a warmer plate to keep the coffee inside the carafe hot. It is for those who can stop on one cup to enjoy more any time they want.
Bottom Line
Coffee makers have now become a necessity. We can’t imagine a day without a coffee cup. Every brand offers a different capacity, but the method for brewing coffee is similar.
Water is the first thing added to the coffee maker when we start making coffee. It is pumped to the coffee grounds through a tube.